Tier1fx News


What documents are required to open a Joint Account?

The following documents are required to open a Joint Account: Joint Account Application form  Client Agreement Verification of both Joint Account holders, including: 1- One valid unexpired form of ID. This can be one of the following: Passport National ID card (front and back side copies) Driving licence (front and back side copies) Please provide colour copies that … Continued

What documents are required to open a Corporate Account?

The following documents are required to open a Corporate Account: Corporate Account Application  Client Agreement  Corporate Resolution Appendix A – List of Directors Appendix B – List of Shareholders Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association: Please provide copies of these, certified by the Company Secretary or Director. Certificate of good standing: This can … Continued

What documents are required to open an Individual Account?

The following basic documents are required for opening an Individual Account: One valid unexpired form of ID. This can be one of the following: Passport; National ID card (front and back side copies); Driving licence (front and back side copies) Please provide colour copies that clearly show all of the following: your photo, name, nationality, date and … Continued

Do you offer Swap-Free Accounts?

Currently we do not offer swap-free account. Should you wish to discuss swaps in detail, please contact us at .