Why Tier1fx

Ultimate Trading Technology

T1 Brokerage > Why Tier1fx > Ultimate Trading Technology

Designed for high-frequency,
low-latency best trading experience

Supreme trading technology that gives you the trading environment you deserve


Fast and Reliable Execution

Tier1FX had partnered with industry leaders to offer the best high-frequency, low-latency trading experience possible in a STP-DMA execution environment.
We have designed our server infrastructure to bring you the most reliable and innovative trading solutions.

Our fully automated straight-through-processing systems give you direct market access, with no delays, no requotes and no dealer intervention.
Tier1FX trading hub is cross-connected to all our liquidity venues via Equinix data centre in New York (NY4) with data centers located around the world.


Beeks Cross-Connection

Execution speed is important for your trading strategy, using our dedicated cross-connection to Beeks Financial Cloud brings you 0.2-millisecond latency to our infrastructure in Equinix NY4.
Get your VPS or Dedicated Server with Beeks Financial Cloud and start trading immediately at 0.2-milliseconds latency throughout any of Tier1FX platforms.

Why Tier1FX

Tier1FX Technology Infrastructure

  • Fully redundant, carrier-class IT infrastructure, hosted in Equinix NY4, LD4

  • Hot-swap features on critical network servers and network infrastructure

  • Full redundancy, combined with hot backup

  • Sub-millisecond cross-connection to Liquidity Providers

  • VPS cross-connection from Beeks Financial Cloud to NY4 available for MT4, FIX API and Fortex platforms

  • LD4 to NY4 dedicated bandwidth

T1 Brokerage

Start trading with Tier1FX today

Take advantage of Tier1FX's combination of technology and liquidity to empower your trading.